This is how you configure the Subscription Update module. This is where you setup everything for your subscription shortcode, like what tags to be applied when they cancel and the logo for the invoices etc.
Step 1:
On your wordpress backend go to:
WishList PluginsĀ -> WLM For Infusionsoft
Step 2:
Make sure the module is active then click on settings
Step 3:
This is where you can configure for the subscription update shortcode.
To Get the merchant ID:
Do the following:
– Log into your account.
– Click on Setup -> Misc Settings.
– Go to Order Settings -> Merchant Accounts.
– To get the Merchant ID, click on Edit for one of the accounts, and look at the “ID” parameter on the URL, eg:…view=edit&ID=3
To setup SKU, you will need to go to the regular integration with WishList and configure that as well.
To get there go here: []/wp-admin/admin.php?page=WishListMember&wl=integration